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Odessa region, village Burlacha Balka
district Sauvignon, Chornomorska road, 2A
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Use of an individual safe in the room

Use of an individual safe in the room
If you take valuable things or equipment with you on vacation and want to be sure of their safety when you are not at the hotel, use an individual safe. There is such a safe in every room and is locked with a combination lock.

In the safe, you can leave valuable jewelry before going to the beach, a large amount of money, a smartphone, a laptop, documents. They will be under reliable protection, as we install safes with a high security class.

The use of a safe in the rooms is free and included in the total price of the stay. Do not worry - your vacation near Odessa on the seashore will be not only comfortable, but also safe. Quietly go to the beach or for a walk around the city and leave everything of value in the hotel under the protection of a safe! 

The administration is not responsible for the safety of things.

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