
Want to book a hotel in Odessa? You can book a room at the Poseidon Hotel online using the form on the page above. To confirm your booking via bank details, you will need to pay for the first day of your stay.

If you decide to relax on the Odessa coast, you should book an apartment by the sea in advance. First-line hotels are always in demand among vacationers. Therefore, to guarantee your good vacation, choose a room that suits your wishes in advance and confirm your booking online. So you can be sure that immediately after your arrival, these very same, fully prepared hotel apartments will be waiting for you.

Poseidon is not just a hotel on the Black Sea coast in Odessa, it is a hotel where the waves are just a few steps away. Right upon exiting, you almost immediately find yourself on a gorgeous sandy beach.

How to book an apartment?

The hotel building offers several categories of apartments from "Standard" to "Lux". To rent an apartment online on the website, first check their availability. To do this, enter the dates of your stay at the hotel you are interested in in the search form and click the "Check availability" button. After processing your request, you will see in the table which rooms are available on the specified dates. You will also see the price of the apartment for the entire period of stay and the cost of accommodating an additional guest. In the selected room column, indicate the required number and click "Book".

Next, in the "Your details" section, indicate your first and last name. You can also indicate special requests in an additional window. Click "Continue". Then write your email address and phone number. Click "Continue" again.

Now you will have to pay for the first night of your stay, or the entire amount of your reservation. Online payment is available via Visa or MasterCard. Enter your card details and confirm the payment. Done! The room is booked. We look forward to seeing you!

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